Word – Why is the “Change Picture” button missing / disabled in Word 2013

microsoft wordmicrosoft-word-2013pictures

I'm working on a Word 2013 document containing mailing labels. (Well, actually I'm creating badges for a conference – but I'm using the mailing labels mail merge functionality for that.)

I created a picture and placed in in the background of the mailing label cell content. Now I'd like to replace it with another picture without changing formatting settings, size or position. However – as you can see on the following screenshot – the Change Picture button is missing from the Adjust ("Anpassen" in German) ribbon group on the very left.

I therefore created a custom ribbon group that I called "Bild ändern" ("Change Picture" in English) and added the Change Picture button to that group. (Also visible on the screenshot.)

When selecting my picture, the Change Picture button stays disabled. My question is: Why? And how can I enable it? (Or which other way can I replace my picture?)

Screenshot of missing and of disabled Change Picture button

Best Answer

See http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2013_release-word/why-is-the-change-picture-button-missing-disabled/9fe78923-e887-43ca-b0ae-c91431fac180?rtAction=1435134204605

There is now a workaround.

  • Start with a Word 2013 docx document that has the 'No change picture' problem

  • Save as a doc (Word 97-2003) - you may be warned regarding loss of features, but do it anyway

  • Save the document again back to docx with a new name (just in case). Leave the 'Maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word' box unticked

  • If you're prompted re the document being upgrade to the newest document format click OK

The full range of Picture tools including 'Change Picture' should now be available."

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