Word table options greyed out

microsoft wordtable-styles

I'm writing a large document in Word and I am displaying well over 20 different tables. Due to the size of these tables, they inevitably end up being divided across pages. I obviously want to keep a table to a page completely. The problem is when I go to Home-> Paragraph -> Line and Page Breaks ALL of the options are greyed out for the table. What is happening and how do In un-grey them?

Cant post an image to show you so I hope I'm being descriptive enough.

enter image description here

EDIT 1: The word version is 2010. The tables were created using the Insert Table GUI. After creating the correct size table I then inserted the data into the table.

EDIT 2: Still having this problem. Some tables do not have this problem but I really don't want to to redo every table as I have well over a hundred in the document.

Best Answer

More than likely you have opened a document with restricted editing. Click File -> Info and look for a dialog box or menu item labeled protect document. It should display a message if the document is restricted in some way. Unless you are the original document creator you likely won't be able to un-restrict the document, you'll need to create a new one.