Word – Numbers for Referencing Review Comments in Word

microsoft wordmicrosoft-word-2013

It appears Microsoft turned off auto-numbering of comments in Word 2013. So when going to Review in the ribbon and adding a "New Comment" there is no way to identify the comment when discussing with colleagues. In previous versions of word, adding a new comment included an auto-incremented comment number.

This is particularly problematic for example when a colleague is using an older version of office and refers to a comment by number – e.g. #5.

Is there any way to identify the comment numbers in Word 2013, so comments can be identified during discussions?

Best Answer

Not in the edditing view as you are used to in Word 2010. Comment numbering only shows up if you go to the outline or draft viewing mode.

Go to the view menu and select outline or draft in the views section

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