Word – Need to have a Word document professionally examined

documentsmicrosoft word

I need to be pointed in roughly the right direction of where to look.

Basically we need to be able to determine exactly when a file (a word document) was originally created (not the "created on" date as it's an email attachment), exactly when the file was modified and the date it was last printed (I believe Word stores this information) etc. We can see some of this information ourselves but it needs to be independently verified. We need this done by someone who is a professional at such things and based in the UK.

We need this in light of possible legal proceedings (not against us) so they must be an impartial organisation/individual. We need this verified before we can go any further.

I don't know whether this is the right place to post this but I don't really know where to start looking for people/an organistion that do this.

Ok hope that makes sense to someone out there.

Best Answer

I'm not a layer and this is NOT legal advice

Any digital document you have can be altered to say whatever you want it to say (metadata or content). So anything such an expert may say can (should?) be challenged.

If the other party hands over a (another) copy of the file (and it's integrity in transit to a 3:d party is verified by some legal measure) and the file is identical to your file (byte-by-byte) then any findings (by said 3:d party) about creation dates and whatnot may have value in a legal situation.

Digital data integrity verification is a bi**h if it's not digitally signed.

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