Word – Markdown to MS Word – Retain Heading tags

exportmarkdownmicrosoft word

I want to be able to write in Markdown and convert to Microsoft Word and have Word recognise the H1 in Markdown as Heading 1, body font as body font etc.

I would usually avoid Word but this is a solution for my Mother-in-law who writes professional Selection criteria. Her clients need the document in Word format.

I want to allow her to write in Markdown and then have setup some predefined font styles in Word so that she can just import the markdown and it will be styled accordingly.

Currently, the closest I can get is by using "ByWord" for mac, which exports to Word, however, you have to style every heading because Word does not recognise the H1's as Headings etc.

Best Answer

Check out this really useful guide, and there are some good tips in the comments too: Think of Microsoft Word as the internet — Practically Efficient

The main steps are:

  • Install MultiMarkdown
  • Convert (Multi)Markdown to open document format (FODT):

    mmd2ODF.pl yourmarkdownfile.txt
  • Save FODT as DOC. Use LibreOffice or OpenOffice to do so. LibreOffice opens FODT automatically, but OpenOffice.org requires an add-on.

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