Word – Maintaining word order when copying Hebrew from and SE site to MS Word

copy/pastehebrewmicrosoft wordright-to-leftweb

When I try to copy text from Mi Yodeya (the Judaism SE site, which I usually render in Chrome) into a MS Word document (using Word 2007 on Windows 7), e.g. this one, I find that Hebrew text comes through with the words in reverse order. Is there a convenient way to make the text end up in the right order? I'm open to techniques in MS Word, techniques in editing the posts in SE, or anything in between.

Per a suggestion from and31415, I followed the procedures in this link to add a Hebrew keyboard, turn it on, and add the RTL and LTR buttons to Word. The text still pastes in with the words in reverse order, and if I select it and hit the RTL button, the still-reversed sentence just moves over to the right of the page.

Best Answer

Is there a convenient way to make the text end up in the right order?

Yes, change the paragraph direction from Left-to-Right to Right-to-Left, and the word order will be corrected. This works for me with MS Word 2010.

I'm not sure exactly why we see the words in reverse order. I suspected the reason for this weird behavior was embedded Unicode control characters in that text, but that's not the case (To make sure of this claim, copy the text into a text file, take a hex dump of it, and put it in here as 'Hexadecimal' to get a UTF-8 analysis.)

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