Word – How to setup a template with custom bullets and styles in Word 2007

microsoft wordmicrosoft-office-2007microsoft-word-2007

I have created a document with a cover page, and back page, and would like to have staff where I work use it as a default document template. However, I have used custom bullet points, and have customised the style of the document so that it matches our corporate style.

How do I save the bullet points so that the document uses the bullet points in the order I specify?

I want the document to have default bullet points that I have created, however when I open the document and press the bullet point button, it uses standard Word bullets. I can select the bullets manually by selecting 'Document bullets' from the dropdown, but the user will have no way of telling which should be bullet1, bullet2 etc…

I also need to know how to remove bullet points that I have been testing from the 'Document bullets' list!

Best Answer

Maybe I am misunderstanding something, but to remove bullets you don't want to appear in the gallery, click the drop down to see the gallery, right click a bullet you no longer need there, and choose Remove.

(I know this is only half of the original question, but you seem to have the multi-level bit sorted now)

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