Word – How to permanently ignore a Proof Reading error in Microsoft Word 2016

microsoft wordmicrosoft-word-2016spell-check

Microsoft Word underlines grammatical errors (in blue) by default. After choosing to ignore grammatical errors and opening the document again, the blue lines are there again. How can I permanently ignore grammatical errors?

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Create a new .docx file.
  2. Write "Tiger was killed by hunter."
  3. You will see a blue line under "Tiger was killed by hunter."
  4. Click "Spelling and Grammar" under review tab. (Or right-click the word)
  5. It will say your sentence is in passive voice.
  6. Click "Ignore".
  7. The blue line is gone.
  8. Close the document.
  9. Open it again
  10. The blue line points out the error again.

The blue line is why I cannot ignore this, why I need a permanent fix.

Best Answer

Doing a brief bit of research it appears that the standard behavior (going back at least to Word 2007) is for ignored spelling and grammar issues to be only per-session. Subsequent checks will flag the same errors once the file has been reopened.

What is also apparent is that the checking engine was not always reliable in re-flagging these previously-ignored errors.

In other words, you were previously benefiting from an error, and now the error is no longer occurring.

See here for further discussion of this, including a 2nd-hand report from MS Devs on the issue: https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?t=1197433

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