Word – How to have full-width horizontal lines in Microsoft Word

formattingmicrosoft wordtext formatting

How can I have full-width horizontal lines inserted between the lines of a long text? I do not want to use Ctrl+U to add underline to the text because it does not add lines to the empty spaces. Also adding lines via the "Insert Shapes" menu seems not accurate and somehow hard to do for multiple lines. Is there any straight forward way to add full-width line between the lines of a text?

I also thought of simulating this with a table and pasting my text in the rows of a table with bottom borders. The problem with this method is that all of the text is inserted in the first row of the table, while I want each line of my text to be in a separate row.

Best Answer

The following can be used to add lines of different types. Try any of these:

In a new line, enter

  1. Three hyphens i.e. --- and then press Enter button.

Result: enter image description here

  1. Three underscores i.e. ___ and then press Enter button.

Result:enter image description here

  1. Three equals to sign i.e. === and then press Enter button.

Result:enter image description here

  1. Three hashes i.e. ### and then press Enter button.

Result:enter image description here

  1. Three asterisks i.e. *** and then press Enter button.

Result: enter image description here

  1. Three tildes i.e. ~~~ and then press Enter button.

Result:enter image description here