Word – How to disable word wrapping in Sublime Text 3

sublime-text-3word wrap

In Sublime Text 2 there was a menu option to disable word wrapping, now it seems the word wrapping is forced without the ability to disable it.

Sublime Text 3, wrap paragraph

I've tried to set: "word_wrap": false in User's Syntax Specific settings, but this option takes no effect.

So how do I disable the word wrapping for the given file?

Best Answer

How do I disable the word wrapping for the given file?

I've tried to set: "word_wrap": false in User's Syntax Specific settings, but this option takes no effect.

According to multiple online sources there should be a trailing comma , after false.

"word_wrap": "false",

You can also set the wrap width to a large number:

"wrap_width": 9999,

Source SUBLIME TEXT 3 : how to disable word wrap in build output? - Technical Support - Sublime Forum

And there is also Word Wrap: Toggle from the command palette:

The Word Wrap: Toggle item from the Command Palette uses the toggle_setting command. This sets the preference directly on the view, which indeed overrides any default, user or syntax specific preferences.

You can return to the user/syntax specific settings behavior by closing and reopening any files where the Word Wrap: Toggle item from the Command Palette was used, as the view specific settings will be lost when the file is closed. Alternatively, you could achieve the same thing without closing any files by opening the ST Python console (View menu -> Show Console) and typing view.settings().erase('word_wrap') Enter. This will clear the view-specific setting for the active tab.

You could also get it to clear the setting from all open views in the current window at once, using [view.settings().erase('word_wrap') for view in window.views()] Enter.

Source Sublime Text: word wrap toggle from menu disabling syntax specific settings, answer by Keith Hall

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