Word – How to copy a word document with pictures into a Blogger post

bloggingmicrosoft wordmicrosoft-word-2007

I am trying to copy a Word document with some formatting (e.g. bulleted lists) and pictures to a blog post using Google's Blogger. When I do direct copy/paste, everything seems to copy over adequately except that the pictures show up as blank white boxes.

What I want:

  • Pictures to show up in the blog just like in the Word document
  • Formatting to at least be similar to the original document
  • The text in the document to be searchable (no PDF's or anything like that)

What I have tried:

  • Direct copy/paste from Word to Blogger
  • Saving the Word doc as a web page and then copying the HTML into Blogger

What I am using:

  • Microsoft Word 2007
  • Windows 7

Best Answer

You might be able to copy-paste from Word into Windows Live Writer and not have the resultant blog post be too mangled which would otherwise require manual fixing: