Word – How to change the font of the heading number in Microsoft Word 2003

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How do you change the font of the heading number?

If I get into the Styles and Formatting tab, then click on the drop down arrow of the heading I want to modify, and then edit the font in the Modify Style window, only the font size of the text changes, but not the number. Thus, I'd get a large heading number font size with a small heading text font size. Does anyone know how I can change this?

Best Answer

I don't have 2003, but a hint is this:

  • Right-click on the number to bring up a context menu. In my version of Word, there is a choice "Adjust List Indents" that brings up settings for list indentation and so on.
  • Here you can change the font as well.

Hopefully you can even find this now that you know that they named the feature "Adjust List Indents"... :D

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