Word – How to change format of MS-Word Bibliography

microsoft wordmicrosoft-word-2013

I'm using Word 2013's built-in citation management using the IEEE style, and including a built-n bibliography generated from the citations in my document. Unfortunately, the first column of the bibliography table is too narrow, so the citation numbers wrap if they exceed one digit. If I make the table column wider, it simply gets set back to the too-narrow column width as soon as the bibliography gets updated.

Is there any way to change the column widths in the bibliography table so they persist?

Best Answer

Thanks to Ramhound for the link to something that would let me manage the bibliography format (and I'd give credit for answering the actual question I asked if I could, but it's posted as a comment, not a reply). But I found the answer to the underlying problem at http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2013_release-word/update-citations-and-bibliography-column-width/c16b8f08-3380-4ea6-8036-7ec78405c6e7?page=2&auth=1.

It turns out the citation numbers were wrapping because a URL in a citation was too long. Split that URL and the citation numbers formatted just fine with no need to edit any underlying XML.

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