Word – How to add padding to images/chart in MS Word with ‘in line with text’ wrapping

chartsmicrosoft wordmicrosoft-word-2007

I have a justified paragraph at the end of a two column page. On inserting a chart with "in line with text" mode under text wrapping in the middle of the paragraph, the image appears fine.

How can I add spacing (padding) just above the image as below without using Enter key?

If I press Enter, the justified text is not justified anymore and the lines following the image of the same paragraph doesn't seem continuous.

In the image below, I want to add spacing after 'was' keeping the paragraph justified (with 'was' on the extreme right').

enter image description here

On pressing enter the spacing is added which I want but the text is not justified anymore.

enter image description here

Is there a work around this in Microsoft Word 2007? I don't mind changing the text wrapping mode if that solves the problem.

Best Answer

On pressing enter the spacing is added which I want, but the text is not justified anymore.

Use shift+enter instead of enter.

This will insert a line break instead of a carriage return and preserve the justified text of the previous paragraph.

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