Word Duplicate-Paragraph Bug

microsoft wordmicrosoft-word-2010

Occasionally I encounter a strange bug in Microsoft Word 2010. Consider the following document part:

enter image description here

This box contains six paragraphs:

  1. Header "Lemma"
  2. Line with word "Let"
  3. Equation
  4. Line with text "be the gravitational field. Then"
  5. Equation
  6. Line with text "for any closed surface S enclosing the origin."

However, for some reason, the fourth line is rendered twice. If I edit the fourth line, the 'ghost line' is updated simultaneously. And, as you can see, if I select a part of the fourth line, the selection is also drawn on the 'ghost line'.

Is there any way of removing the ghost line?

Best Answer

I fixed this by deleting the endline before the first instance. This caused my the previous line and the first instance to append, and the second instance to disappear completely.

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