Word – Compare three or more Word documents (*.docx)

comparisondiff()file-comparisonmicrosoft wordmicrosoft-word-2010

I've seen multiple questions and answers for how to compare two Word documents, and I've seen some questions and answers for how to compare three or more raw text files, but I'm struggling to find a method to compare three or more Word documents.

I don't need the formatting compared, and I don't mind if I can't edit them or merge them, but I would like to be able to see the files' differences highlighted. I know I can copy the text into text files and use that in raw-text-only diff tools, but some of the Word docs I need to compare are quite large.

Best Answer

The software http://winmerge.org/ has the option to do a 3-way File Comparison. Link to screenshot.

There are some Plugins available that might help you with the Word part of your question.

However, comparing text is probably most performant.

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