Word 2013: Shortcut to insert timestamp into word document

date timekeyboard shortcutsmicrosoft wordmicrosoft-word-2013

I'm looking for a very very fast method to insert a timestamp into a Word document. I always know the shortcuts ShiftAltD and ShiftAltT, but doing so inserts a field, that is always automatically updated. And because I need a real timestamp, I consequently have to use CtrlF9 to get a fixed date-time string:

To sum up:

  • ShiftAltD
  • ShiftAltT
  • Mark both fields
  • CtrlF9

And that is not a shortcut, that's expensive overhead! So I'm always faster when I write all by 10-fingers touch-typing.

I search for a real one-hand keyboard shortcut for inserting a fixed date-time.

Best Answer

Record a macro for these actions and assign it to a single keyboard shortcut. This is the exact usecase macros are made for.

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