Microsoft Word 2010 – Fix Automatic Cropping of Inserted Images


Word 2010 is automatically cropping image being insterted like this:

enter image description here

The million dollar question is why? I have this problem only in this particular section of this document. There is no such problem in another sections of document. The one possibility how to display whole area of image is to use floating layout like the first image in presented screenshot. But this solution has disadvantage that I have to manually format image positions after changes in text before.

This is picture format as set by Word after pasting:

enter image description here

I replicated this problem in test document and uploaded it here. You can test it by copying some image into clipboard and then pasting it into document. Whats interesting, the problem somtimes doesnt appear – it depends on position in document where you insert new image.

Best Answer

After looking at the source document I will add a more accurate answer.

The reason for the problem is the image is inline (it is treated as one giant character in the paragraph between other characters). The paragraph that the image belongs has Line Spacing: Exactly set (under Paragraph -> Indents and spacing -> Line Spacing). You can fix this problem by changing the Line Spacing value to anything else (such as At Least or Single).

Since the paragraph has exact spacing any glyph which is larger than the line is cut off which is what you see. You may need to fiddle with the image options to position it in the way you want.

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