Word 2010 — How to you make heading 4, 5, etc.. visible in the table of contents

microsoft-word-2010stylestable of contents

Word has Headings 1 – 9, but by default only 1 – 3 will show in the TOC.

So, to apply a style to selected text other than Heading 1 – 3, I have done this:

  1. select the text
  2. right-click the selected text
  3. select Styles... from the dropdown list
  4. select Apply Styles... from the dropdown list
  5. type Heading 4 into the textbox, and hit enter

Now that the text is styled correctly, it does not show in the TOC! I have read mention of changing the "field codes" of the TOC to something like this: { TOC \o "1-4" }, but such examples only applied to Word 2007…

So how do you do this in Word 2010?

Best Answer

You can use the same method as in Word 2007.

  1. Click the 3 vertical dots in the box that say "Update Table" at the top so the whole table is selected
  2. Right click and select "Toggle Field Codes" (or type Shift+F9)

You should see {TOC \o "1-3" \h\z\u}.

  1. Edit the part where it says "1-3" to whatever amount of indents you'd like e.g. "1-4" for 4 indents

  2. repeat Steps 1 and 2

  3. Click "Update Table...".

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