Without NAT on IPv6, and only one DNS name, how do i talk to the servers


Right now we own one domain name (e.g. superfault.com).

From the internet i can connect to a variety of networked devices using that single DNS name:

                         ╔════════════╗              ╔══════════════╗
                         ║device with ║  ┌─────────80╢Web Server 1  ║
                         ║ public IP  ║  │┌────────81╢  ║
        superfault.com:80╫────────────╫──┘│┌─────3389╢              ║
        superfault.com:81╫────────────╫───┘│         ╚══════════════╝
      superfault.com:3389╫────────────╫────┘         ╔══════════════╗
        superfault.com:25╫────────────╫────────────25╢E-mail server ║ 
       superfault.com:110╫────────────╫───────────110╢  ║ 
      superfault.com:3390╫────────────╫──────────3389╢              ║ 
       superfault.com:443╫────────────╫────┐         ╚══════════════╝
      superfault.com:3391╫────────────╫───┐│         ╔══════════════╗      
      superfault.com:3392╫────────────╫──┐│└──────443╢Web Server 2  ║ 
      superfault.com:3393╫────────────╫─┐│└──────3389╢  ║ 
                         ╚════════════╝ ││           ╚══════════════╝
                                        ││           ╔══════════════╗   
                                        │└───────3389╢Desktop PC 1  ║ 
                                        │            ║ ║
                                        │            ╚══════════════╝
                                        │            ╔══════════════╗   
                                        └────────3389╢Desktop PC 2  ║ 
                                                     ║ ║

Now, with IPv6, i can give all these devices a publically routable IPv6 address:

      ╔════════════╗              ╔══════════════╗
      ║Gatway      ║              ╢Web Server 1  ║
      ║Firewall    ║              ╢2001::10      ║
      ║2001::1     ║              ╢              ║
      ║            ║              ╚══════════════╝
      ║            ║              ╔══════════════╗
      ║            ║              ╢E-mail server ║ 
      ║            ║              ╢2001::11      ║ 
      ╚════════════╝              ╢              ║ 
                                  ╢Web Server 2  ║ 
                                  ╢2001::12      ║ 
                                  ╢Desktop PC 1  ║ 
                                  ║2001::2:100   ║
                                  ╢Desktop PC 2  ║ 
                                  ║2001::2:101   ║

But i only own one domain name, which can only resolve to one IPv6 address:

  • superfault.com: 2001::1

So how to i find the IP address of all my other devices? The simple method is to use my firewall device as a proxy – which is the functionality that NAT provides. The undesirable, and expensive way, is to find a free domain name for every IPv6 address i own.

What's the IPv6 equivalent of NAT?


The other problem is that IPv6 does not allow


you have to use:


So if a user forgets the www, then your site will appear broken.

Same way that IPv6 does not allow:


as you have to use:


and it doesn't allow

> ventrillo superuser.com

you have to be sure to tell users:

> ventrillo ventrillo.superuser.com

Best Answer

That's what subdomains are for.

If you own, for example, superfault.com, you can freely create desktop.superfault.com, mail.superfault.com, ian.superfault.com... (If you don't – buy one, they are fairly cheap. Or visit za.net or eu.org for a free domain.)

Also, you do not need NAT in order to forward ports. Try ip6tables with -j TPROXY.

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