WinMerge: How to exclude *.bak and *.tmp files


How do I include all files and exclude *.bak and *.tmp files in WinMerge compare dialog window?

=========== WinMerge Dialog Window ===========

Left: [Folder-A]               [ OK ]
Right: [Folder-B]              [ Cancel ]
Filter: *.*                    [ Help ]

[x] Include Subfolders


Best Answer

Using an inclusive filter, all files are included except those matching a filter rule. For .tmp and .bak files that would be:

def: include ## Inclusive (loose) filter lets through all items not matching rules
f: \.tmp$ ## temporary files
f: \.bak$ ## back up files

When selecting a file or folder, hit select right next to the filter textfield to select a filter. Then hit new, select a filename and adjust the filter by the above lines. After saving, you may have to refresh the filter page by closing and opening it again. Select your new filter and voila.