Windows XP SP1 with invalid key, upgrade to Windows XP SP3 with valid key

product-keywindows xp

I have a Windows XP Professional SP1 system with an illegal key (not mine).

I need to get it to SP3 in order for it to handle the software I am trying to install; I have a valid key for Windows XP Professional with SP3.

I seem to remember having a problem with this once before, like the key for a higher SP3 version not working to activate an SP1 Windows.

What steps should I take so that the computer can upgrade to SP3 with the new valid key without formatting it, or screwing it up?

A good answer would show a definitive activation and upgrade path that is sure to work, as making the machine inoperable is not a risk I can take.

Best Answer

Use the Magical Jellybean Keyfinder to update the key. Then install SP3.

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