Windows – XP Restart After Power Failure

biospower-managementwindows xp

I've almost got my power settings sorted and was hoping someone could help?

If I'm running XP and the power is cut, when the power is restored my machine auto restarts (this is what I want!)

However, if I shutdown my machine properly (from the start menu & without touching the PC power button!), then switch the power off at the socket, then switch the power back on, the PC does not automatically restart.

It's like the BIOS(?) receives a message saying "aha, genuine shutdown and not a power cut, therefore do not restart on power restore."

I want my PC to restart every time it sees power restored from the socket?

Any way round this? Anyone seen this before? I've upgraded my BIOS.

Best Answer

I can't comment yet, so I second Revolter's answer (BIOS setting) -- however, most BIOSes I've seen with the option (not all of them offer this whatsoever) have three settings for their "Restart After Power Interruption" option:

(1) Stay Off

(2) Power On

(3) Last State (If Previously Off, Stay Off; If Previously On, Turn Back On)

This is the right way to do it (choose option 2, obviously). BIOS support is required.

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