Windows XP in VMWare Workstation has no Internet

networkingvmware-workstationwindows xp

Using Windows XP ISO in VMWare Workstation Player 12. No matter what I do, I cannot connect to Internet from the Virtual OS.

What I have tried

  1. Disabled Windows XP Firewall
  2. Disabled and Enabled the Network
  3. Tried NAT connection, Tried Bridged connection
  4. Scrapped the virtual VM and re-installed Windows XP in VMWare Player
  5. Can ping, but cannot browse to

How to troubleshoot this?

By the way, I have Kali Linux 2 ISO in same VMWare Workstation Player 12 and can connect to Internet fine.


Tried the Windows VM, but get error

enter image description here

Update 2

I disabled firewall on Windows XP VM with

netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable profile=all

I can access some websites (CNN, FoxNews), but not others (Google, Facebook).

I even opened ports 80 and 443 per the following. How to troubleshoot?

enter image description here

Fixed it

I ended up downloading and installing Firefox. Now I can access all the websites.

Thank you SuperUsers, you guys are awesome!!!

Best Answer

5.Can ping, but cannot browse to

Are you able to connect to any other web sites? Normally, it suggests that there is something blocking the TCP 80 or TCP 443 connections.

First, please try to turn off the firewall on the host.

If it doesn't work, you may need to perform a network capture on the host to check if the host forwards the traffic for the guest correctly.

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