Windows – Write to pdf file while having it opened in Acrobat Reader in Windows 7


I'm using Texlipse as my default Latex editor. When I use Ubuntu I can leave the pdf file I'm creating opened in Evince and it just updates as soon as I save the Latex document in Texlipse and build the pdf. Unfortunately this is not possible in Windows 7. When I leave the pdf file opened in Adobe Reader I get the error message

Problems encountered while deleting resources. Could not delete 'C:\foobar.pdf'

Is there a way to bypass this problem or is Windows blocking access to opened files by default? Why is it working on Ubunut then?

Best Answer

I had the same problem with latex. I know two possible solutions:

  1. You can use older Adobe Reader - versions like 5 or 6 didn't have this problem so they were good for latex. I used it in the past together with WinEdt editor.
  2. You can use TexLive 2013 with its built-in latex editor and pdf viewer. They are simple but work like a charm.
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