Windows – Wireless Adapter Turns Off Under Vista


I'm encountering an odd problem with a new notebook we recently helped choose & buy for an elderly neighbour. The machine doesn't have a "hard" switch to turn the WiFi adapter on or off but you can toggle this using Fn+F11, and there's a status LED that turns on/off to indicate the adapter is on.

The problem we are finding is that any time the machine is restarted/shutdown/put into sleep mode, the WiFi adapter will turn off. Pressing Fn+F11 will immediately turn it back on again once the machine has booted back up into Vista, but we'd rather this wasn't necessary.

What I've already tried:

  • Going through all the settings for the network connection in Vista – nothing there about turning the adapter on/off.
  • I have checked the BIOS – no options for the wireless adapter there.
  • Power Configuration – I've told it to use "Maximum Performance" settings for the wireless.
  • I've examined the adapter's options in Device Manager – there's nothing there for power options.
  • When the adapter is turned "off", it does NOT show as disabled in Device Manager – so I'm guessing it is enabled, just powered down.

I'm at a complete loss where else these settings might be! Clearly something is handling the Fn+F11 keypress, so it seems crazy that those settings aren't configurable to keep the adapter turned on somewhere…

Few more pieces of information: the machine is from a local company called Novatech, and I think it's a Clevo notebook chassis. It's running Vista Home Premium, and the wireless adapter is a Realtek device – afraid I can't provide model numbers as I don't have it with me at the moment.

Would greatly appreciate any tips or advice!

Best Answer

Some ideas:

  1. If you don't mind the wifi card staying on, uncheck "Allow the computer to turn off this device" in "Device Manager/$device$/ Properties/Power Management", where $device$ stands for keyboard and mouse.
    This will have a bad effect on battery life during sleep.
  2. Turn off Hybrid sleep, see explanation here. If you don't need it, this may have some negative effects regarding sleep (but read very well the explanation).
  3. Look in your BIOS for the suspend ACPI options and try to switch modes among "S1 and S3", "S3" etc. See explanation here.

Note: Any of the above manipulations that doesn't help should be undone.

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