Windows – windows command that returns the list of 64 and 32 process

32-bit64-bitprocesswindows 7

I am looking for a solution to locate which process are running over 64 and which ones on 32 bits on my Windows Seven 64 system, there is a simple windows shell command available to do that???

Best Answer

After some thought, I realized the WMIC method is kind of hokey. A much better way to do this is to use a PowerShell script that looks something like this:

[System.Diagnostics.Process[]] $processes64bit = @()
[System.Diagnostics.Process[]] $processes32bit = @()

foreach($process in get-process) {
    $modules = $process.modules
    foreach($module in $modules) {
        $file = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($module.FileName).ToLower()
        if($file -eq "wow64.dll") {
            $processes32bit += $process

    if(!($processes32bit -contains $process)) {
        $processes64bit += $process

write-host "32-bit Processes:"
$processes32bit | sort-object Name | format-table Name, Id -auto

write-host ""
write-host "64-bit Processes:"
$processes64bit | sort-object Name | format-table Name, Id -auto

If you copy that in to a PowerShell script, call it process-width.ps1, and run it in PowerShell, it will list out all the 32-bit processes followed by the 64-bit processes.

It does this by checking if a process has wow64.dll loaded as a module in to it's process space. wow64.dll is the Windows 32-bit emulation layer for 64-bit operating systems. It will only be loaded by 32-bit processes, so checking for it is a sure-fire way to know if a process is 32-bit or not.

This should work much better as a long term solution.