Windows – Windows 7 keyboard shortcut to change the desktop background

desktop-customizationkeyboard shortcutswindows 7

With all of the new keyboard shortcuts added to Windows 7, I was wondering if a shortcut had been added to change the Desktop Background when the theme was setup to work as a slide show.

I want to execute the Next desktop background command which a user is prompted for when right clicking a desktop that has been setup for a slide show.

Best Answer

Not that I know, but it can be fixed with an AutoHotkey script. For instance, this will use Win+n to go to the next desktop background:

#n::                             ; use the Windows+n hotkey
WinActivate, ahk_class Progman   ; activate the Desktop
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos          ; get current mouse position
Click 0,0                        ; click in the corner of the desktop, to unselect any selected icon
Send +{F10}                      ; send Shift+F10, the shortcut for right-click
Send n                           ; send "n", the key for "next desktop background"
Click %xpos%, %ypos%, 0          ; put the mouse back at its previous position
return                           ; done!

The "n" in Send n is only valid for an English Windows 7 (Next desktop background). You'll have to change it if your Windows 7 is not in English to match the underlined key.

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