Windows – Why Windows Firewall does not block outgoing traffic

firewallnetworkingwindowswindows 7

I have noticed that Windows Firewall only blocks incoming traffic, for example, if I tried to listen on port 12345, it will display a warning dialog asking me if I want to allow it.

However, if I tried to connect to any IP on any port it will not display any warning. So does anyone knows why it does not block outgoing traffic also?

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

Best Answer

The Windows 7 firewall can.

The Windows XP firewall it seems couldn't block outgoing How do I block all outgoing ports in Windows XP firewall?

The Windows 7 Firewall can block outgoing

see where it says "outbound rules" outbound means outgoing

enter image description here

And look at the text under domain,private and public

It states the default policies.. so for inbound, it's a whitelist (that's stricter), for outbound it's a blacklist (that's more lenient).

A blacklist means let everything through unless it's listed to not be let through.

A whitelist means block everything unless it's listed to be let through.

So a whitelist would be more permissive. Like what at a real life event would be called 'by invitation only'. So the packet arrives if it's on the list it's allowed in and the firewall has done its thing for that packet, if the packet is not on the list then continue with the instruction to just block everything. A blacklist is equivalent to when everybody is invited unless they're on a list of people not allowed to come. So a packet arrives, if it's on the blacklist then you block it and the firewall has done its thing for that packet, otherwise, continue to the next instruction which is to allow everything.

For outbound, the default of a blacklist enables you to browse the web easily. The outbound rule is by default the more permissive one.

For inbound, the default is a whitelist.. So if you run any servers(i.e. listening), then a client(i.e. computer initiating a connection) can only reach them, if you have allowed it to.

You can change these policies. And you can add or remove or change rules in the list of rules, for inbound or for outbound.

enter image description here

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