Windows – Why does Windows hang (until I press and hold the power button) after issuing a software shut down/restart


My server, which I built with some spare computer parts, does not power off after when I shut down from the OS. When I try to shut down, Windows closes all programs and goes through the shutdown routine as normal, and the screen turns off, but the fans continue to run until I hold down the power button on the case.

More importantly, though, because of this problem, the computer cannot truly restart. Windows shuts down, it goes into the not-quite-off state, and it stays there.

For a while, the power supply in the server only had a 20-pin connector (the motherboard has a 24-pin connector), and I thought that was the problem, but I have since replaced the power supply with one with a 24-pin connector, but nothing changed.

Sites on the Internet seemed to recommend trying a clean boot, which did not fix the problem.

I thought it was a hardware issue, but the fact that I can shut the power down completely with the case's power button seems to indicate that it might be a software issue.

EDIT: It is a software/configuration issue. I booted off a Ubuntu Live USB and was able to shut down and restart normally without any of the issues Windows has. I'd rather not reinstall Windows if that is an option.

EDIT 2: It restarts and shuts down properly from safe mode, but I have not been able to get it to shut down properly from a normal boot, regardless of how many startup items I disable. I tried removing the video card and a Wi-Fi card that never worked, but they also had no effect.

Best Answer

Things you can try:

  • Check BIOS power settings and battery and if a BIOS update is available
  • Update all drivers (for display see the card manufacturer website)
  • Turn off hibernation
  • Prevent devices from waking your computer. You can list all of them via this command line:
    powercfg -devicequery wake_armed
  • Turn off wake-on-lan
  • Disable taskbar auto-hide
  • Run powercfg -energy to diagnose power problems

For more advanced diagnosis tools, see the article Diagnose Shutdown Problems with Xbootmgr. With xbootmgr you could probably trace the source of your system shutdown issue.

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