Windows – Why “Connection-specific DNS Suffix” is only (default) available for wired connection, not for wireless


I understand what and how to set "Connection-specific DNS suffix", and I mostly understand the purpose. My question is just about why only certain network connection/adapter has it by default (even when UI shows it empty). For example, for my case the wired/LAN connection has it like (IPCONFIG /ALL):

Ethernet adapter MAIN:    
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) Ethernet Connection

The UI (Advanced TCP/IP -> DNS Tab) shows it empty. If I set it to something, IPCONFIG will show that, but if I keep it empty, '' will be shown by command.


When I connect to wireless, the "Connection-specific DNS suffix" remain empty by the output of IPCONFIG. (Actually, it doesn't matter if connected to wired/wireless).

So, the question is just:

  • Why wired connection (or any) has it by default. Is DHCP or DC sending it? Is it part of some TCP/IP protocol? Or is it coming via some group-policy (failed to find)?

I did /RENEW, /FLUSHDNS, /RELEASE the IPCONFIG, but it doesn't effect.

Best Answer

"Connection-specific DNS Suffix" is returned by DHCP by Option 015 Domain Name. It tells what the domain name is, for example "". The client uses the information from Option 015 together with its host-name to form the FQDN, for example

The computer can have a "Primary DNS Suffix" defined, which once defined does not change. If a different "Connection-specific DNS Suffix" is received while connecting, it takes precedence, because this ensures that on the new network or VPN the computer will have a proper name on the network and can find and be found by other computers. After disconnecting from a VPN, the "Primary DNS Suffix" will again be the one used.

The existence or not of the "Connection-specific DNS Suffix" depends solely on the answer returned by the DHCP server. If none is returned, then it will stay empty and the "Primary DNS Suffix" will still be used by default.

A DHCP Option 015 name can come from the router or from the ISP, and its presence does not depend on the network type, either wired or wireless, but on whether DHCP returned an Option 015 name or not. If none is received, it will stay empty.

In the post there is the assumption that a wireless network cannot have a "Connection-specific DNS Suffix". I have searched and found several other posts in which were published the results of ipconfig /all and in which it was present on a wireless adapter : link1, link2, link3, and link4.

I think that in the context of the poster, the DHCP server was probably the wireless router, which did not return an Option 015 name. This is determined by the wireless router's firmware rather than by other factors. The router can maybe be programmed differently, but this is not the subject here.

Reference : RFC 2132, DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions, section 3.17. Domain Name.

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