Windows – Why are certain folders in the XP network share really, really slow

network-sharesperformancewindows xp

I have a workgroup set up with Windows XP. My file "server" is running XP Pro and the clients are running XP home. I've turned simple file sharing off on the server because certain clients need access to certain folders and not to others, and I want to keep it that way. Therefore, I've used the granular sharing/security settings to enable certain clients access to certain folders. I'm using the net use command in a batch file on the clients to add the share when they logon so it's always available via a mapped drive or a shortcut. On some clients "My Documents" points to the mapped drive, but all of the local and application settings stay local.

Everything works well except for accessing a certain folder on the network. It contains a lot of random batch files and self-executable programs I use for diagnostics and what not, and nearly every time I open the folder the computer hangs for 15-60 seconds. This happens on every machine, including the server (but not nearly as often as the clients). I've searched high and low and cannot figure it out and it's driving me crazy. Here are all the things I've tried to no avail:

  • Disabled firewall (XP) and anti-virus (ESET NOD32)
  • Deleted any desktop.ini file I can find in the share
  • Disabled "automatically search for network folders and printers"
  • Disabled "remember each folder's view settings"
  • Set HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer NoRecentDocsNetHood = 1
  • Tried with mapped drives and with UNC shortcuts
  • Ran CHKDSK
  • Removed Read-Only attribute from all folders (well, tried to remove, it always came back on with a half check)
  • Added the server's static IP to the hosts file on the clients

I've tried monitoring the server's performance to see if anything makes sense. Occasionally the issue coincides with a spike in pages/sec (memory) but not always. Other than that, everything else seems normal. The anti-virus would seem to be the most likely cause to me considering the batch files and what not, but it still hangs when it is completely disabled.

I'm at a loss and if anyone can help me with this I'd greatly appreciate it!

Best Answer

You could try turning on the Show Hidden Files option. This behaviour could possibly be caused by lots of hidden files (and might also explain the inability to completely remove the read-only attribute).

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