Windows – Where’d PHP for cygwin go? Still have a copy with PHP installed? Wanna share


I used to have cygwin with PHP installed and working, but the hard drive on which was installed crashed catastrophically. Cygwin was just about the only thing that hadn't propagated to my backup yet, so I lost it, and, unfortunately, PHP doesn't seem to be available for cygwin anymore 🙁

Something I realized, however, was that cygwin is completely self-contained and portable just by copying the cygwin folder. Would anyone care to share a copy of their cygwin folder with PHP installed?

Or, perchance, maybe someone can point me in the right direction to get PHP installed on cygwin? All the results I've found are out-of-date info and no longer working.

Best Answer

I don't believe Cygwin proper ever included PHP, but the Cygwin Ports project (which "provides Cygwin binary and source packages for a large variety of programs and libraries") lets you install PHP via the regular Cygwin installer (basically by telling the installer to use a Cygwin Ports mirror, instead of a regular Cygwin mirror, as the download site). Instructions for this are at

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