Windows – Where to find WinPcap in system control? (on Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit)

windows 8winpcap

Where can I find WinPcap in system control, I assumed it is running as a service but it seems I am mistaken.

I started WinPcap via command line (source):

runas /u:administrator "net start npf"

Before starting WinPcap Wireshark didn't show any capture interfaces and afterwards it does. So I assume it is running. But I can't find it in the services list of the task manager.

To narrow down the candidates I compared running services after starting and stopping WinCap but there is no difference.

How can I directly confirm that this "service" is running on Windows 8?

C:\WINDOWS\system32>sc query "npf"

        TYPE               : 1  KERNEL_DRIVER
        STATE              : 4  RUNNING
                                (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN)
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0


sc query lists 85 services – none of which is "npf" – but sc query npf will find it.

Best Answer

Yes, you are right, WinPcap is a service (but mainly a driver), named NetGroup Packet Filter Driver. The fact is that it cannot be seen in the Windows Services Manager.

You can find it in the registry at :


Not tested, but it seems that you can change the way the service starts. Navigate to the registry key above. Then you will find a REG DWORD value named Start. Values are :

  • Value 0x2 : SERVICE_AUTO_START

In the doc they say that it's work only on Windows NTx, but give it a try ! On my system it is set to 0x2.

To view it in a GUI, goto (i am talking about Windows7, hope it will work on Windows8) :

  1. Run msinfo32.exe
  2. Then expand Software environment
  3. Then choose System Drivers

Here you can get the status for npf service (but cannot interact with it)

Edit :

How can I directly confirm that this "service" is running on Windows 8?

You can use this from the command prompt to check the service state :

sc query "npf"

or this, to check specificaly if it is running :

sc query "npf" | findstr RUNNING
sc query "npf" | find "RUNNING"

Edit 2 :

Mysterious : sc query lists 85 services - none of which is "npf" - but sc query npf will find it.

Seems normal. Regarding the doc this is the way sc works.

By default, SC lists only services, not drivers. NPF is more a driver.

  • To get all drivers : sc query type= driver (NPF will appears)

  • To get all (Services + Drivers) : sc query type= all (NPF will appears also)

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