Windows – Where to find/download Windows 10 Ink cursors/pointer

mouse-cursorwindows 10windows-10-v1703

While using a pen, Windows 10 (since the introduction of Windows Ink) has this nice special cursor enter image description here
and also respective animated versions of it for other states ("busy", etc.), it's just like the aero cursors but with this crosshair in place of the arrow.

Unfortunately, recent Wacom drivers makes the cursor to be the mouse cursor (e.g. whatever you set for mouse in Control Panel), i.e. the regular arrow, which is not cool when you're using a pen.
But because it now can be simply changed via Control Panel I thought to just set it to that Windows Ink crosshair cursor.

My problem is that I struggle to find it anywhere. Windows doesn't have it among *.cur files. Probably it's implemented in other way. Also google searche yields nothing, maybe I name it in a wrong way (windows ink/pen/stylus cursor/pointer).

While creating the cursor itself from a screenshot is trivial, creating other animated version of it is a bit more tricky.
So I was wondering if anyone can help with finding the cursor in Windows filesystem or somewhere else to download (if someone has made it or extracted from windows).

A larger screenshot for better scale enter image description here

Best Answer

The cursor is stored as a 32x32 bitmap in C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll. To access it, you need to open the DLL file in Visual Studio (or something similar) and navigate to the bitmap under the 'Cursors' node.

I found out about this by looking at

P.S. is a great resource for finding out about obscure Windows features and settings. The software on the site has been useful to me hundreds of times when I tried to tweak something inside Windows.

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