Windows – When middle-clicking links, why does the browser sometimes open two tabs

google-chromemouseusbwindows 7

For around a year I have had an issue with my USB mouse's middle button action whilst browsing the web. If I use the middle button to open any link, about 5% of the time it will open two new tabs instead of just one. In addition, if I use the middle button to close a tab, it can sometimes mistakenly close two tabs which I then have to restore with Ctrl Shift T.

What is causing this? Here's what I've tried so far, but with the same results:

  • Swapping the mouse with two other mice
  • Using Internet Explorer instead of Chrome
  • Running Windows in safe mode


I have now tried a spare PS/2 mouse I had, and so far I haven't been able to reproduce the behaviour after five hours (I normally see it at least once per 30 minutes). Could this really be a USB issue?

Best Answer

Have you tried using a different mouse? If there is another mouse readily available, connect it and see if the issue persists.

When I've experienced this issue it has tended to be the mouse. Either a faulty sensor or click mechanism that sends two reports in quick succession. Thankfully mice are cheap and easy to test and replace.

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