Windows – What are full-range speakers

-setupspeakerswindows 7

In Windows 7, you can go to Sound configuration, select your speakers and click Configure. You will then get a dialog called Speaker Setup. You start with a question about Audio channels (Stereo, Quadraphonic, …) and in the next step it asks you which of your speakers are full-range speakers.

What exactly are full-range speakers, how do I know if I have them? And what exactly is the difference between checking and not checking that checkbox?

Best Answer

Full range speakers can emit low and high frequency sound (bass and treble). If you have a separate subwoofer, then your main speakers are not full range speakers.

I can't think of what difference this makes to the sound driver, as the crossover in the speaker/speaker system should deal with how to split the sound. It possibly has to do with how 5.1/7.1 sound is output.

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