Windows – Ways to Recover Lost/Closed “Pinned” Tabs in Chrome

google-chromepinningtabswindows 7

I know this was TECHNICALLY an already-answered issue awhile back – and then was subsequently brought to life again briefly – but I have been experiencing this issue (only twice, but I had about 15 pins; none of which I can bring up from my memory…hence the pins).

I noticed that a few people had posted regarding this question, or regarding a specific answer, but I have yet to find a working solution…at least not one which would assist me in my current situation [the situation being that I am unable to bring the pins BACK w/o knowing the URLs – which were plentiful and therefore definitely NOT remembered].

When I noticed that they were missing, it had been hours and an extremely large number of tabs had since been cycled through Chrome..) So, since my anticipated \ desired result is to somehow restore the pins, and I am unable to RESTORE CLOSED TABS in this instance, and the "CLICK RESTORE" comment wasn't even a valid comment (lol), I am at a fairly irritating and difficult crossroad…

I do not want to just say "screw it" because the items I had pinned were all pretty important items…hence the pins…yet I planned on cycling through them within the hour – and therefore made no effort to officially BOOKMARK them.

But my PC restarted in the middle of the night somehow, and the pins were lost.

Is it possible for me to somehow pull them back up, or any type of document, page, software, or anything else would be able to accomplish my desired result??
I have a feeling that it is not possible, due to the lack of answers on this page regarding what I would like to do, aside from REOPEN feature.
But it never hurts to ask – and maybe if someone else has this problem in the future, any type of answer is better than none, eh?

Thanks in advance to those who choose to (or TRY to) assist me! <3

Best Answer

You can retrieve the tabs or pages by finding them in the history folder. Also, you can bookmark really important pages so that you don't miss them if accidentally your tabs have been closed.

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