Windows – way to set (or disable) DPI scaling for individual monitors (Windows 8.1)

displaydpimultiple-monitorswindows 8.1

I have three screens connected:

  • Two 1920×1200 screens that I do not want DPI scaled.
  • 1 4K screen that I do want to scale.

Currently, if I set a 1920×1200 screen to be my "main" display, and then set the scaling to the recommended setting, the 1920's are fine, the 4K is blurry (this also has a side effect of putting the clock, etc on a 1920 screen, which is not in the middle).

If I do the inverse, the 4K is fine, the 1920's are blurry on apps that are DPI aware (Chrome looks fine – Explorer, Outlook, etc. do not).

Is there a way to configure this via Windows or with a third party tool?

Best Answer

Currently this is not possible, but hopefully someone will make a tool soon. Until then consider using multiple of the same monitor.

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