Windows – way to natively share screens in Windows 7

remote desktopwindows 7windows-server-2008-r2

I'm wondering if there's a setting or application in Windows 7 (Enterprise edition with full admin account and permissions) to initiate a screen sharing session?

I was hired to be an IT Admin for a branch office, but the IT department is located in another city. I am the only person in the local branch supporting a mostly illiterate user base, and would like to remote into their machines without booting them out of their user profiles and share their desktops so both of us can see what's happening. I also need to share control of the mouse with them.

Thanks for reading!

I found the solution!

In Windows Remote Assistance, there's an option to remote into a user's computer and share screen + input devices.To view their screen, click on "help someone who has a computer problem", select the "advanced connection option for help desk", type in the computer name or IP address and tell the user to accept the incoming connection. Share control by choosing the "Request Control" option at the top left corner. Tell them to click yes (or okay or whatever). Yay!

Best Answer

Windows Remote Assistance is designed for exactly this scenario. It allows both the local console user and a remote user to share the screen, as well as input devices. It requires that the local user (the person you're supporting) initiate the session by sending an invitation to the remote user (you). See this article for a step-by-step guide from the user's perspective.

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