Windows – way to check the actual SATA II/III connection of your drives


I have an Acer Aspire M3985 with a B75 chipset, IPIMB-AR rev 1.02A MoBo, which is supposed to have one SATA 3 and five SATA 2 ports. I tried using CrystalDiskInfo, HD Tune and AIDA64 to understand if my four SATA 3 drives have a SATA 2 or 3 connection, but these software seem to report the device type instead.

The issue is that the drive connected at SATA0 (blue one supposed to be SATA 3) is an SSD and shows speeds up to 240MB/s Seq Read and 70MB/s Write in CrystalDiskMark. The disk is Kingston A400 120GB (the worst I could get), but it is supposed do go beyond 300 in read and 200 in write.

enter image description here

Is there a way to check the effective SATA connection (SATA 2 or 3) of your drives from windows ?

Also do you have any suggestion regarding the SSD poor speed results ?

This is the test result reported in a Kingston A400 review :

enter image description here

Rest of the system:
16GB DDR3-1600
TRIM is enabled

Best Answer

Yes. On Windows you can use some freeware utilities such as HWiNFO: Reference:

On linux you can get this info from the system log: {code} dmesg | grep -i sata | grep 'link up' {code} Reference:

In some systems the BIOS might also tell you, though it depends on your motherboard.

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