Windows – Video upside down, but only on certain computers

videowindowswindows media player

My dad recorded some videos with his smartphone a few days ago. If he now tries to watch them on his PC (Windows 7 + Windows Media-Player) the whole Video is upside down.
If on the other hand I watch the Video on my PC (Windows 8 + Windows Media-Player) the orientation is correct.

Any idea why that is?

Thanks for your help and time.

Meier Lukas

Best Answer

It's probably because the video has been recorded in landscape mode with your smartphone and W7 has some troubles in reading metadata about this. It happens also with pictures, sometimes. When I had encountered it with pictures I've just rotated clockwise and then back to make the OS reading correctly the rotation of the photos. But with movies is quite unpractical. I suggest to use VLC and if it's still playing it upside down try to follow this tutorial to manually flip the movie.