Windows – Using wi-fi PCI-E card as a repeater


  • My network is composed of 2 routers: Router 1 ( is the internet gateway, and handles DHCP. Router 2 ( has wireless capability and is connected to Router 1 via ethernet cable.
  • Most devices in the house (laptops/smartphones) connect to Router 2 wirelessly, with the remaining having an ethernet connection to Router 1.
  • My desktop PC is the exception, since it's at the other end of the house, too far to pass an ethernet cable through, and on the edge of wireless connectivity range. As such, I bought a pair of Powerline devices to establish a stable link between my PC and Router 1.

Everything works fine, except when I try to use my smartphone when at my PC. Since the distance to Router 2 is too high, the wireless link is simply too unstable.

Since my desktop PC has a wireless PCI-E card (not being used right now), I was wondering if there is some way I can make it work as a repeater for my wireless network, using the Powerline connection to transmit data between the main network segment and clients connected to my PC.

Considering my PC is running Windows 7, the closest I've found to this functionality is a program called Virtual Router Manager. However, this program forces me to use the wireless card for both connecting to the main segment of my network, and to repeat the signal. What I want is to use the Powerline connection to access my network, and have the wireless card act as a repeater for Router 2, so that any wireless device that comes near my PC will connect via my wireless card instead of going through Router 2. Is this possible at all?

Best Answer

Basically what you want to achieve is to make your Windows 7 PC into a 'Access Point' - to share the wired-internet with neighboring devices using built in WiFi card. There are lots of ways to configure this in windows 7 & Windows 8 but the simplest i found is using a open source tool called 'Virtual Router'

To check if your wlan adapter is compatible with hostednetwork (and therefore also with VirtualRouter)

  1. on command prompt type: netsh wlan show drivers.
  2. ensure that 'Hosted network supported: Yes' is present in output

if yes you can go ahead and download the 'Virtual Router Manager' from configuration of 'Virtual Router' is straight forward and simple.

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