Windows 7 – UEFI Boot on GPT Disk Won’t Boot After Adding MBR Hard Disk

bootgptmbruefiwindows 7

I have recently installed Windows 7 64 bit on a new SSD using UEFI boot and GPT. The system worked fine. After adding my old system HD to the system (that uses MBR), Windows will no longer boot correctly: When booting from the SSD, the normal boot screen appears and Windows tells me that it is loading files. Then the boot screen disappears and I am in an EFI shell, unable to boot. When I unplug the old HD, Windows boots again without complaints.

Can I somehow boot with this configuration without formating my old hard disk first?

I have an MSI Z77-G65A board. It is configured for UEFI boot, booting from the SSD. Both drives are set as independent HDs (no accidently activated RAID). The SSD is connected to a SATA-6G port and the old drive to a SATA-3G port.

Best Answer

Deleting the disk signature solved the problem. This can be done with the command

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1 count=4 seek=440 conv=notrunc

in a linux shell with root rights.

Starting with Windows 2000, Microsoft writes a 4-byte value -the disk signature- into the MBR of each disk so that it can identify each disk. When two disks have the same identifier problems ensue. The afore mentioned command replaces this signature with zeroes which prompts Windows to assign new, unique values.

Note that before overwriting the disk signature, I also tried to replace the bootloader (bytes 0-439 in the MBR) with zeroes. By itself, this didn't help to solve my problem.

EDIT: This solution solved the problem for only one boot-up. When trying to boot a second time, the same issues reappeared. By overwriting the disk signature again, I was able to boot, but again only for one time.
Judging from the provided background above, it seems that Windows chooses an inappropriate disk signature so that the problem reappears...

EDIT 2: It seems that when booting in UEFI mode Windows 7 64bit cannot deal correctly with extended partitions on disks with MBR. The bug is explained here:

hotfix-1 hotfix-2

Apparantly an extended partition is wrongly recognized as an UEFI partition. These two hotfixes should solve the problem, but they have to be already integrated into the install media.

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