Windows – Using a Windows System Repair Disc to restore a System Image on a blank HDD

system-repair-discsystem-restorewindows 7

I got a simple question that I unfortunately can't find a simple answer for anywhere. This is the scenario: I made a System Image of my Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit PC on an external HDD. I've also created a Windows System Repair Disc of the same PC.

Now, what I want to know is this: if I were to replace my internal HDD with a blank one, would I be able to use the System Repair Disc to restore my entire hard drive, OS and all, from the System Image? I understand that this can be done with a Windows Installation Disc, but since Windows was pre-installed, I don't have that. By the way, I just want to know if this is possible, steps aren't necessary (although they can't hurt).

The new HDD would be bigger than the old one, and the PC in question is a laptop with reasonably powerful specs. The terms I've used above are exactly what I mean, I do mean a Repair Disc and not a Recovery Disc.

If you need any more details please say so.

Best Answer

Yes you can, boot from the System repair disc, it has all the same tools as a regular install disc.

Windows Image restore does have limitations, it will not restore to a smaller hard drive, but will to one the same size or larger.

You are best to do a trial run of image restore on the new drive before you wipe the old drive.

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