Windows – Use Local Profile for Domain Profile on Windows 7

user-profileswindowswindows 7

So I often spend lots of time away from my work network, and today I'm at the office, and I've logged on to the network just fine. However, I've heard that in Windows 7, I can associate a local profile that I've had with my domain name.

How can I do this, so I don't have two bloody profiles? I just want one login (my domain), and I'd like to use the local profile that I've been using, rather than try to migrate everything and set all my preferences again.

Best Answer

You can copy your local profile over your domain profile using windows easy transfer:

Once that is done, you can use your domain log in even if you are not connected to the work network. Windows will cache your credentials and allow you to use that log in.

You may need IT to set your domain account as a local administrator on the laptop.

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