Windows – Use English as an input language for Windows 8 lock screen by default

keyboard-layoutlock-screenwindows 8

I have two input languages configured on my Windows 8 machine. The default language is English, but when I lock my computer, the lock screen sometimes uses another language for input, so I have to retype my password. It happens when another language is selected when I lock my computer. I want the lock screen to always use English as an input language by default.

There is another question that only asks about starting computer, not locking. The accepted answer to that question does not solve my problem.

Best Answer

Try to apply your desired language to the lock screen.

  1. In the Control Panel, switch to Time, Language and Region, Language.
  2. Move the desired layout to the top.
  3. On the left, click Advanced settings.
  4. Click the Apply language settings for Welcome page, system accounts and new user accounts link.
  5. Click the Copy settings... button.