Windows 7 – Fix Windows Update Failure

bootwindows 7windows update

When I start my computer (Windows 7 Pro 32-bit) I get the following message:

Configuring Windows Updates

0% Complete

Do not turn of your computer

This stays on the screen for about 5 minutes, then it says

Failure to configure Windows updates.

Reverting changes .

And then boots normally.

This only started happening a few days ago, and as far as I am aware, I haven't changed anything significantly, I'm assuming it is because of a Windows Update that it installed itself.

Anyone know how I can get rid of this?

Best Answer

I had exactly the same problem this morning 64-bit win7. I usually choose the option for windows to update itself when I shut down the computer.

To try to get around the problem I started Windows Update manually. Told it to install the updates and then rebooted when it asked to.

Next upstart was normal and the problem was gone.

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