Windows – Unable to install Android for Windows 7 because JDK is not found


I have JDK SE7u4 installed in windows 7. I tried to install Android on Windows 7 using the installer_r18-windows.exe but no avail.

The setup window showed the message saying that the Java SE JDK not found and

ERROR: Failed to find Java version for C:\Windows\System32\java.exe
The system cannot found the file specified.

If you believe you have a JDK installed and it was not properly recognized, simply set an environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to it

I right clicked on Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Environment variables. I created a NEW system variable called JAVA_HOME and set the value as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_04\bin or C:\Windows\System32\java.exe.

I ran the installer again — the same error message still appeared.

Best Answer

You might have a different problem, but here is the solution I found to the same error message:

  1. Go to C:\Windows\system32
  2. Rename java.exe to something else, for example java2.exe
  3. Run Android SDK Setup again

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