Windows – Ubuntu 12.04 VM on Windows 8 Hyper-V – No Network Connectivity

hyper-vnetworkingUbuntuvirtual machinewindows

I have been attempting to connect my Ubuntu 12.04 Virtual Machine to the internet. I have been searching and found some information but have not been successful so far. I have also tried Linux Mint and no network connectivity there either.

My Adapter Settings:
Adapter Settings

Ubuntu Network Setup in HyperV

HyperV Virtual Switch Manager

I'm not sure if this is the issue, but it seems likely. However, anytime I attempt to make the External Switch a Hyper-V Extensible Virtual Switch I get the message shown below and I am unable to set that property.

Any help is appreciated.

If more information is needed please let me know. I tried to be as thorough as possible

Best Answer

Well, I figured it out. I had to create an Internal Virtual Switch and then go to the External Virtual switch and share its connection with the Internal Virtual Switch.


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